Where the Bruised Cucumber meets the Sippy Cup!

A Loud Mama with a loud family, living imperfect lives glorified through God and breaking free of the bondage of politically correct Religion. We do things differently around the Viking Homestead, and hope that, by sharing our lives, we can help others feel more comfortable with their differences as well.

07 February, 2013

Today, I'm Thankful for...

My Bookends!
 My daughters. Well, actually, sisters!  I never had a sister, and, while growing up, always wished that I had a sister.  Now, I made do and had some pretty fab friends, but I never had a sister and definitely felt I was missing out on something.  Hearing stories of older sisters doing hair, or taking little sisters shopping for a dress.  Little Valkyrie and Birdie are about 8 1/2 years apart.  While they are growing up I really don't see them having any long periods of time where they want to play with similar toys or watch the same shows.  However, God willing, they will get to have those experiences that go much deeper.  The bond that good sisters share.  That is what I hope for them, and, I am so thankful that they will have the chance to experience it.

In my weakness, He is strong

Mama Viking

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