Where the Bruised Cucumber meets the Sippy Cup!

A Loud Mama with a loud family, living imperfect lives glorified through God and breaking free of the bondage of politically correct Religion. We do things differently around the Viking Homestead, and hope that, by sharing our lives, we can help others feel more comfortable with their differences as well.

04 February, 2013

It's SO good to be back! Also, giveaway winner announcement!

Ah, Love is in the Air!  What?  Coffee=Love!
Happy Monday, y'all! It's SO good to be back in the land of bloggy goodness and verbal dry heaving that is The Screaming Vikings.  Things are slowly but surely changing around here and will continue to change for the next few months.  I will be switching my blog over to WordPress eventually, but want to do it as seamlessly as possible, and make sure that everything is moved over before making the move 'official'.  However, I DO like to have some sort of routine and stability in general, so each day of the week will have a theme of sorts.  Monday will be 'prep' day.  Not in the traditional sense though.  The kind of preparation I'll be dealing with is any up coming holidays or birthdays.  It seems that I always leave the big preparations until the last minute and then find myself in a crazy rush.  So, for the time being, every Monday I'll discuss upcoming events and how to prepare for them, a bit at a time, so that there's no last minute crunch.  

Right now there are a few holidays coming up! First in line: Valentine's day!  We love Valentine's day around the Viking Homestead.  We love all holidays and, yes, I say they are all our favorite, but Valentine's day is definitely a fun day that we very much enjoy celebrating.  However, this year we have no big plans for the day.  Little Valkyrie will celebrate with a class party, so I will post on the goody bags that we are making, but otherwise, there is very little effort going into Valentine's day this year.  Also coming up: St. Patrick's Day.  Again, very fun, but we really aren't doing much for it.  Lent, Easter, and Birdie's first birthday are going to be HUGE deals around here, though! I will be posting my annual 'Lent List', along with Easter to-do's and the countdown to my baby's first birthday! 

Now, as promised, it's time to announce the giveaway winner! This giveaway is to celebrate getting back up and at 'em with the blog! The lucky winner, who will receive a huge gift basket full of wonderful Bath and Body works goodness is: Tone Keys!  Congrats, Tone!  For everyone who didn't win this time, please, recommend The Screaming Vikings to your friends on Facebook for the next giveaway.  

'In my weakness, He is strong'

Mama Viking

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