Now, on to my son. My little dude. He's adorable and sweet and all smooshy blond curls. However, once I saw him interacting with other kids and his behaviors in general, I knew he was far from 'normal'. He was the baby who could NOT be rocked, at all. period. If you rocked him he would scream and throw up. No rocking at all. To this day, if you're sitting and holding him, you better not be rocking because it just pisses him off. He's well over 3 but still has a pacifier. I let him have the pacifier because if he doesn't have it, he puts everything else in his mouth. I mean everything. One day he lost his pacifier in the car and I turned around to notice he had pulled of his shoe and was chewing on that! Sadly, the pacifier is the only thing that prevents him putting inappropriate things in his mouth. No matter how hard I work with him, and go over the rules with him, its about impossible to take him out in public! :( He RUNS.....not jogs ahead, RUNS. EVERYWHERE. Like he's driven by some motor that just can't be turned off. He touches EVERYTHING. seriously. You should buy stock in antibac gel because he touches everything. Not just toys, but trash, plants, and anything else he comes across. However, don't YOU dare try to touch what HE is touching. He understands 'gentle' but can't be gentle. He can demonstrate it with me, but its almost as if he see's it as a line that he has to leap right past and can't play or interact with anyone without a touch turning into a punch, slap or push. Cups of water always have to be tipped over. If its in a sippy he has to turn it upside down and shake it to get the liquid out. Things always have to be thrown when he is done with them. He's caught more spankings over this than anything else, because he has NO regards for people, animals or things in this regard. He's tired of a toy, he's gonna throw it and oh well if it hits anything or anyone in the process. You try to take away a hammer he found? ditto! :/ He doesn't understand speaking or singing at a normal level or 'inside voice'. He screams. all the time. He has to be louder than everything. And God give me strength if I try to have a gathering at my house...its like he starts out overstimulated and it turns the whole get-together into an embarassing hot mess. Sadly, I'm to the point where I try to schedule gatherings for when I know he will be napping so that we won't have to send everyone home. It just becomes too exhausting to try to keep him well-behaved around other people. I always tell people that if he had been my first child, I would NEVER have had more children. He's that difficult. Of course, when we're out in public, no one stops to take into consideration that he may have a behavior issue. Its just assumed that I'm a bad mom. However, hopefully there may be an answer for him as well. Sensory Processing Disorder. I'm looking for someone to evaluate him. This would allow him to have early help if he needs it and this is a disorder that doesn't include drugs as a method of treatment. Its all occupational therapy. Right now I'm still sorting out what exactly I need to do to have them properly evaluated. Its been a long road. It can take some time to come to term with the fact that something isn't quite right with your children. However, its for their best interests that I swallow my pride and my shame and realize that there is no normal. There's just average....and I never set out to be average at anything anyhow! :)
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