Now, when people speak of Biblical reasons for divorce they are 'usually' debating one of two things: what the Bible says are acceptable reasons for divorce period OR what the Bible says are reasons for divorce that would allow remarriage. The Bible gives two clear grounds for divorce: sexual immorality (Matthew 5:32; 19:9) and abandonment
by an unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:15). Divorce is not required in these circumstances but is viewed as grounds for divorce. If your spouse commits one of these offenses against you, and there is NO possibility of any reconciliation after counseling, then, after you have exhausted all options, divorce is permissible. Now, it is my personal belief and conviction that, if you divorce for these reasons then remarriage is permissible without causing yourself to commit adultery. There are people that disagree with me and I very well understand why. It can be a very slippery slope. Also, people will disagree on what constitues sexual immorality. Some people are very cut and dry: only a classic instance of adultery constitues sexual immorality. However, depending on your convictions, then someone being married to a person who is homosexual would also meet the requirements of being able to divorce on grounds of sexual immorality. Also, I personally view pornography addiction and any form of extra-marital affair(including emotional affairs) fall under sexual immorality and would therefore be Biblical grounds of divorce. Now, I don't seek to impress my convictions or beliefs on anyone. This is what I believe and again, its based on my relationship with God and the beliefs that he has laid on my heart. From what I have read(including the Bible), I feel that divorce for these reasons would allow one to remarry without commiting adultery.
While the Bible does not discuss several other common reasons for divorce, and I will by no means presume upon the word of God, I also could never judge someone who fell outside of the above reasons but needed to leave their marriage. The most frequent additional grounds for divorce, which, as best I can tell are discussed neither explicitly or implicitly in the Bible, that people inquire about are
spousal abuse (emotional or physical), child abuse (emotional, physical, or
sexual), drug / alcohol use, criminal activity or imprisonment, and
mismanagement of finances (such as through a gambling addiction). None of these
can be claimed as Biblical grounds for divorce in my opinion.
However, my feelings on this matter are that, since I believe that there are circumstances for divorce with remarriage, these cases, if they ultimately led to divorce, would not allow for me to remarry. If I divorced my husband because he had done any of the above, I could not remarry unless I wanted to commit adultery on a daily basis. Now, do I necessarily 'agree', well, not always. I don't think that God wants any of His children to suffer, and it breaks His heart. Its much like disagreeing with your own parents. You disagree but you respect their decisions because(usually) they love you so much it hurts and want what's best for you, not necessarily what's the most fun or the easiest path. Don't settle for the easy path. I'm not here to follow my own path or try to get out of life in the easiest way possible. Everyone has a task to complete and a life that God put them here to live out to His glory. Thats what I want to do, for every day that I am granted on this earth.
However, my feelings on this matter are that, since I believe that there are circumstances for divorce with remarriage, these cases, if they ultimately led to divorce, would not allow for me to remarry. If I divorced my husband because he had done any of the above, I could not remarry unless I wanted to commit adultery on a daily basis. Now, do I necessarily 'agree', well, not always. I don't think that God wants any of His children to suffer, and it breaks His heart. Its much like disagreeing with your own parents. You disagree but you respect their decisions because(usually) they love you so much it hurts and want what's best for you, not necessarily what's the most fun or the easiest path. Don't settle for the easy path. I'm not here to follow my own path or try to get out of life in the easiest way possible. Everyone has a task to complete and a life that God put them here to live out to His glory. Thats what I want to do, for every day that I am granted on this earth.
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