Where the Bruised Cucumber meets the Sippy Cup!

A Loud Mama with a loud family, living imperfect lives glorified through God and breaking free of the bondage of politically correct Religion. We do things differently around the Viking Homestead, and hope that, by sharing our lives, we can help others feel more comfortable with their differences as well.

09 February, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Nutella Lava Brownie Mug Cake

Ok, y'all! Before I go any further, for full disclosure, I should state just how much I LOVE Nutella.  This stuff has saved many a person from my wrath.  Its that good.  If there was a 12 step program for it I wouldn't go, because its that good.  Seriously.  Nutella.  I can't even do it justice with words.  There are so many ways to enjoy it.  Cupcakes, Hot chocolate, cookies, straight out of the jar! However, I stumbled across a lovely blog that had a recipe that seemed to do Nutella its proper justice!  By now everyone has heard of mug brownies or mug cakes or some variation on that term.  A few ingredients, a couple of minutes and BAM! A mug of happy!  However, this recipe went above and beyond!!  I mean, it has Nutella so its ALL good! Seriously...its all good.  It can only get better if you've got some ice cream stashed in the freezer or some nice whipped cream!  Otherwise, make one of these bad boys, sit back, and forget about what a crappy day you had!  If you don't have Nutella(say WHAT?!) or you're just odd like Cranky Pirate and Little Viking, you can sub peanut butter for the Nutella for more of a peanut-butter-cuppy type of thing....or you could respect the sanctity of Nutella and this recipe and leave it as is! :D You're welcome! <3
Kirbiecravings.com Nutella Lava Brownie Mug Cake!

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