Wow! I can't believe that we're over halfway through our first year of homeschooling! And what an adventure its been. Its been quite a rollercoaster ride! Ups and downs and starting over more times than I can believe. However, its been wonderful to see firsthand how my children learn best and to be the one who helps them to have those 'a-ha' moments! I can't believe I'm already starting to get ready for next year. However, I definitely feeling MUCH more confident about going into next year than I was starting out. I have a MUCH better idea of what we actually need vs. what will just sit in the bag or box, untouched for the duration. I'm starting to look at where I want the course of my children's education to go and what I want them to learn. At this point there has been a LOT of prayer and discussion over the curriculum I want to use, where I feel God is leading us and, of course, what the children are most interested in. I've asked them, and given them options, regarding materials I buy because they will be using them and I want them to be involved in the process. Now, its not a free for all. I usually have been looking at something and, once I get it narrowed down to a few choices, will let the kiddos pick from those. Right now I have TONS of bookmarks for different ideas and programs. I go back to them daily and delete a few as I find some are so similar that there would be no benefit to choosing one over the other which makes it easy. Luckily, I have the time and, in the meantime, Little Valkyrie and Little Viking are not only getting a 'book' education, they are also receiving a biblical education AND a life education. Seeing a house being run and me being pregnant, they are experiencing things they NEVER would if they were away from home several hours a day. One Homeschooling mama that I've been getting QUITE a bit of motivation and inspiration from is Amy at
Raising Arrows. Amy has been homeschooling for over 9 years and shows how she makes it work
in this wonderful homeschooling series. So, shortly, I'm hoping to be able to post the direction we've decided to go and the curriculum we'll be using! Until then send some extra prayers for my sanity and my budget!!
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