See Y'all on Thursday!
Where the Bruised Cucumber meets the Sippy Cup!
A Loud Mama with a loud family, living imperfect lives glorified through God and breaking free of the bondage of politically correct Religion. We do things differently around the Viking Homestead, and hope that, by sharing our lives, we can help others feel more comfortable with their differences as well.
29 February, 2012
28 February, 2012
Mourning March 31st

My Journey in Homeschooling: Preparing for next year

23 February, 2012
Raising Modest Daughters

22 February, 2012
Celebrating Lent
Part of this is my post from last Lent. I LOVE this time of year. I'm thankful for another reverent, Holy time in which people very intentionally come together to acknowledge the birth and death of Jesus Christ. Now, I know this will get me, but the only thing I don't like about the time preceding Easter: Mardi Gras. I just can't really do a holiday that encourages debauchery and overindulgence. Of course Cranky Pirate, having worked off and on in Louisiana for several years, loves it! :) He really does and always hopes to be working there when Mardi Gras comes around. So, what follows is my original post, some updates(since our situation is much different this year than last year), and some GREAT resources from other bloggers on celebrating Lent.
Well, I'm here and relieved that Ash Wednesday is just over a week away! I always like to give ALOT of thought and prayer to Lent. I want to give up things that will be a true sacrifice...that will 'hurt' and make me NOT want to do it! I pray first, seeking His guidance into what lessons I'm supposed to learn and what I can do to put myself on the path He has for me. I really don't focus much on new years resolutions, but start planning for Lent almost immediately after Jan 1st! I look forward to the focus and contemplation and prayer and quietness and revelry of the entire season. It is intended to be a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving and after MUCH prayer and contemplation I have decided upon several things to give up or embark on. Partly because I need to separate strong wants from true needs, and also because I need to come to a place where I am completely humbled so that I might be greatful for everything I have and to learn how to be a good steward of ALL that God has blessed me with! I have amassed ALMOST all the supplies needed to see me through this period and now am just waiting for it to begin. So, in no particular order, here is "THE LIST" :D :
1)I will be following 'The Maker's Diet' by Jordan Rubin for the duration of Lent. This covers several dietary 'sacrifices' I had already planned on making such as no soda, no junk food and no takeout.
2)I will be following WW1 food-saving guidelines: Wheatless Monday and Wednesday, 1 wheatless meal each day, Meatless Tuesday, Porkless Saturday(doesn't really matter because its not allowed on The Maker's Diet!) and 1 meatless meal each day.
3)I will not be purchasing anything new. Let me clarify because I can already hear the "wait, what?!". Obviously, some things have to be traditionally purchased from a store...I'm going to buy toilet paper and such and obviously New Underwear goes without saying! However, if I can borrow something that is my top option. After that, I feel like purchasing from a resale or thrift shop is the next best option.
4)I will engage in daily exercise. This is a routine I have fallen out of, and I'm paying DEARLY for it! I want to do the Norseman Xtreme Triathlon in 2 years time. Therefore, in order to accomplish my goals AND be a better steward of the body God has given me, Its time to get off my behind!!
5)I will limit my time online to 7 hours a week. This may seem like alot to some people, but its FAR less than the amount of time I currently spend online!
6)I will put my entire paycheck into savings.
7)I will work on giving up vanity.
8)I will try to give up engaging in gossip.
9)I will have 4 no money days a week! In an effort to curb unneccesary spending there will be 4 days a week in which no money can be spent. This includes something as simple as change for a soda machine.
10)I am working on my self-care/hygeine routine. Not giving in to vanity, but focusing on presenting an image that glorifies God, blue hair and all! :D
11)Getting back into the routine of Giving to charity and church.
12)I will engage in Daily Prayer. Real Prayer, not 'oh God, if this traffic doesn't clear up I'm gonna kill someone!'
13)I will make a point to spend special alone time with each kid every day.
14)I will be purging my house of unneccesary clutter! My goal is to take at least 100 items to goodwill or friends garage sales.
15)I will stop speaking negatively. I will watch my tongue and not let negative words or harsh tones come out of my mouth. Moods and attitudes are contagious, and I don't want to pass negativaty along!
16)I will be making as much as possible. In an attempt to increase our self-sufficiency AND start working on the whole 'urban homesteading' thing I'm trying to make(or learn to make)as much as possible including: butter, yogurt, bread, coffee creamer, water kefir and other beverages, shampoo and conditioner, soap, laundry detergent, dish detergent and candles.
WHEW!! What a list. I know. The point is to turn things around completely, bring my world to a screeching halt, burn off the fluff and come to what is really important! I hope you all will consider taking part in Lent in SOME form, whether its as simple as being more prayerful or just being nicer to your neighbors.
Update: 2/21/12
Well, Lent starts tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited and ready to enter this season! Especially this year, since I'm currently entering my 8th month of pregnancy. The list I'm following this year is more or less focusing on the same ideas. I'm doing a meal plan that will(obviously) exclude wheat and dairy, along with artificial colors. I'm hoping removing the dyes will help with some behavior issues we're currently dealing with, although some of that COULD be related to the kiddos acting out because of the new baby. Also, I no longer earn a paycheck. I left work when I became pregnant so that I could homeschool my children and enjoy being at home. Therefore, I have a goal to save more money to build us an emergency cushion. The last thing I'm going to cut myself a little slack on is #16!! I'm cutting myself some slack on that until about October since I'm going to be focusing on caring for an infant, homeschooling, and shuttling kids back and forth! :) However, I do have a few NEW goals. One is to cut down on the waste so to ONLY take reuseable grocery bags with me and not use any plastic grocery bags. My BIGGEST goal in the immediate future is an unmedicated water birth for my newest little. After that, my goal is 6 months exclusively breastfeeding #3! :) As always, I really do this for me! I need it and it helps me to focus on my relationship with God. If you would like some other information You can check out THIS great post at Kitchen Stewardship!! There is loads of information on everything from recipes to decorating to sacrifice and suffering. Also, this post from Passionate Homemaking has 24 GREAT ideas on making Lent and Easter a complete family affair! It also has links to even MORE resources! I hope you all find some way to make Lent and Easter meaningful and reverent for your family!
Well, I'm here and relieved that Ash Wednesday is just over a week away! I always like to give ALOT of thought and prayer to Lent. I want to give up things that will be a true sacrifice...that will 'hurt' and make me NOT want to do it! I pray first, seeking His guidance into what lessons I'm supposed to learn and what I can do to put myself on the path He has for me. I really don't focus much on new years resolutions, but start planning for Lent almost immediately after Jan 1st! I look forward to the focus and contemplation and prayer and quietness and revelry of the entire season. It is intended to be a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving and after MUCH prayer and contemplation I have decided upon several things to give up or embark on. Partly because I need to separate strong wants from true needs, and also because I need to come to a place where I am completely humbled so that I might be greatful for everything I have and to learn how to be a good steward of ALL that God has blessed me with! I have amassed ALMOST all the supplies needed to see me through this period and now am just waiting for it to begin. So, in no particular order, here is "THE LIST" :D :
1)I will be following 'The Maker's Diet' by Jordan Rubin for the duration of Lent. This covers several dietary 'sacrifices' I had already planned on making such as no soda, no junk food and no takeout.
2)I will be following WW1 food-saving guidelines: Wheatless Monday and Wednesday, 1 wheatless meal each day, Meatless Tuesday, Porkless Saturday(doesn't really matter because its not allowed on The Maker's Diet!) and 1 meatless meal each day.
3)I will not be purchasing anything new. Let me clarify because I can already hear the "wait, what?!". Obviously, some things have to be traditionally purchased from a store...I'm going to buy toilet paper and such and obviously New Underwear goes without saying! However, if I can borrow something that is my top option. After that, I feel like purchasing from a resale or thrift shop is the next best option.
4)I will engage in daily exercise. This is a routine I have fallen out of, and I'm paying DEARLY for it! I want to do the Norseman Xtreme Triathlon in 2 years time. Therefore, in order to accomplish my goals AND be a better steward of the body God has given me, Its time to get off my behind!!
5)I will limit my time online to 7 hours a week. This may seem like alot to some people, but its FAR less than the amount of time I currently spend online!
6)I will put my entire paycheck into savings.
7)I will work on giving up vanity.
8)I will try to give up engaging in gossip.
9)I will have 4 no money days a week! In an effort to curb unneccesary spending there will be 4 days a week in which no money can be spent. This includes something as simple as change for a soda machine.
10)I am working on my self-care/hygeine routine. Not giving in to vanity, but focusing on presenting an image that glorifies God, blue hair and all! :D
11)Getting back into the routine of Giving to charity and church.
12)I will engage in Daily Prayer. Real Prayer, not 'oh God, if this traffic doesn't clear up I'm gonna kill someone!'
13)I will make a point to spend special alone time with each kid every day.
14)I will be purging my house of unneccesary clutter! My goal is to take at least 100 items to goodwill or friends garage sales.
15)I will stop speaking negatively. I will watch my tongue and not let negative words or harsh tones come out of my mouth. Moods and attitudes are contagious, and I don't want to pass negativaty along!
16)I will be making as much as possible. In an attempt to increase our self-sufficiency AND start working on the whole 'urban homesteading' thing I'm trying to make(or learn to make)as much as possible including: butter, yogurt, bread, coffee creamer, water kefir and other beverages, shampoo and conditioner, soap, laundry detergent, dish detergent and candles.
WHEW!! What a list. I know. The point is to turn things around completely, bring my world to a screeching halt, burn off the fluff and come to what is really important! I hope you all will consider taking part in Lent in SOME form, whether its as simple as being more prayerful or just being nicer to your neighbors.
Update: 2/21/12
Well, Lent starts tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited and ready to enter this season! Especially this year, since I'm currently entering my 8th month of pregnancy. The list I'm following this year is more or less focusing on the same ideas. I'm doing a meal plan that will(obviously) exclude wheat and dairy, along with artificial colors. I'm hoping removing the dyes will help with some behavior issues we're currently dealing with, although some of that COULD be related to the kiddos acting out because of the new baby. Also, I no longer earn a paycheck. I left work when I became pregnant so that I could homeschool my children and enjoy being at home. Therefore, I have a goal to save more money to build us an emergency cushion. The last thing I'm going to cut myself a little slack on is #16!! I'm cutting myself some slack on that until about October since I'm going to be focusing on caring for an infant, homeschooling, and shuttling kids back and forth! :) However, I do have a few NEW goals. One is to cut down on the waste so to ONLY take reuseable grocery bags with me and not use any plastic grocery bags. My BIGGEST goal in the immediate future is an unmedicated water birth for my newest little. After that, my goal is 6 months exclusively breastfeeding #3! :) As always, I really do this for me! I need it and it helps me to focus on my relationship with God. If you would like some other information You can check out THIS great post at Kitchen Stewardship!! There is loads of information on everything from recipes to decorating to sacrifice and suffering. Also, this post from Passionate Homemaking has 24 GREAT ideas on making Lent and Easter a complete family affair! It also has links to even MORE resources! I hope you all find some way to make Lent and Easter meaningful and reverent for your family!
21 February, 2012
Preparing for baby: freezer cooking
Food. We ALL need and it. I LOVE coming home to a hot, yummy dinner! There's nothing like a home cooked meal to REALLY nourish you. However, I hate prep work and let me tell you, the idea of even making a pb&j is unbearable for the first few weeks(months) after I bring home a new little. With the quickly approaching arrival of #3, I thought I would share with you some ways I'm able to cut down on my time in the kitchen, yet manage to have a hot, home cooked dinner every night. Fast food and takeout are not only unhealthy, but a strain on the budget of a growing family. Factor in that I don't want to feed my kids processed, refined, empty calorie filled 'food' and that limits the number of places we could even consider going for a take out meal. However, once a month cooking is something that I just will not do. I tried it once(with two kiddos underfoot) and can not commit to that on a monthly basis. It was just far to much for me to do. Then I realized something: when I cook in the slow cooker I put everything in frozen anyhow!! Lightbulb moment! Why not just use slow cooker recipes for 'freezer cooking'!! It's really the easiest thing ever and requires just a little extra time on the day you go to the shop or farmers market! It only requires large resealable freezer bags and a bit of freezer space. I use gallon sized ziploc style bags. After that, its as easy as picking out your recipes. My kiddos LOVE things like pot roast, beef stew, chicken and sausage gumbo and chili. For anything requiring ground beef, I will cook the meat ahead of time, otherwise, I just put the meat or protein into the bag, and add the vegetables, seasonings, and any liquids as required. The only thing I don't include is any kind of noodles or rice or dairy(i.e. sour cream). You have to sort and put away your groceries when you get home anyhow, so this doesn't add that much more time given that, fundamentally, part of it is work you would already have to do! Aside from that, when I cook, I make a big enough meal that I can freeze half! To be considered large enough, I would make a meal that would cover two full dinners for a family of 5 and leftovers for lunch the next day. Now the food may not be fancy, but it utilizes nourishing and nutrirional real food so you really are getting the most bang for your buck. After I clean out my slow cooker in the evening, I simply put another 'freezer meal' in the fridge to thaw(to avoid using a microwave!) and then put my previously soaked oatmeal into the slow cooker so we can wake up to a fresh, nourishing breakfast that will usually make a large enough meal to last us through the week! This is a GREAT way for me to cut down on the time I spend cooking and still allow everyone to eat well when I'm recovering from having a baby! Its always a shame to me to see new moms having to resort to fast food when they are recovering from childbirth. I love doing this ahead of time, even just 2 meals a week for a few months before the baby is due so that you can be well stocked up! Also great to have in the freezer for quick meals: frozen stock(I make chicken and beef), soaked and cooked beans, chopped vegetables, homemade smoothie packets, ground beef cooked up as taco meat, sloppy joes and meatballs, and diced cooked chicken. This way I always have SOMETHING I can feed everyone on a moments notice! This has really helped me and I hope it can help you as well! <3
17 February, 2012
What your baby ACTUALLY needs!

3) Baby Carrier. Yes, a baby carrier. Wear your baby. I have a Mei-Tai, a ring sling, and two wraps. They are ALL great and each one is great depending on the activities you are doing. They allow me to get a LOT more done, without toting a burdensome stroller around. Also, my kids HATED strollers.
4)A car seat. You'll need a seat that will accomodate a newborn, rear facing, to the current requirements. I don't use the infant car seats very often, because its easier, in my opinion, to get babies out of convertible car seats if you're going to be wearing them. I didn't use a 'travel system' or anything like that beyond my first baby. They are just bulky and, since I make big babies, I had no use for the infant seat permanently beyond 6 months. I figured I might as well get my money's worth and purchase a good convertible seat that would last me to the point that my kiddos could transition to a booster. Regardless of what you opt for, this is the only requirement(to the best of my knowledge) that is required by law, and it is required to leave the hospital with your baby.
5)A place for baby to sleep. You'll have to sort out what you want as far as this goes, but you'll have to put baby to bed somewhere. Personally, we will let baby sleep with us OR in a bassinet(that I've used for all my kiddos...and it was free so I've gotten my money's worth!) or we also have a little cradle type rocker with an incline which can be very helpful if baby has reflux. Some people start out with a crib, some opt for a play yard and some people never purchase any kind of special bed for baby. Little Valkyrie slept with us, but also LOVED her crib. However, she was out of it before she was 2. She just didn't want to sleep in it anymore. Little Viking is a different story. He slept on me for ages. He would also sleep in the bed with me and I had his crib attached to the bed. Eventually, he wanted to just be in the crib, and have his own 'bed' so we let him. Of course, he's still in our room, but, even at 3, he refuses to stop sleeping in the crib, despite the fully assembled toy story rocketship toddler bed sitting right there! :P Oh well, no harm no foul! :) First time moms will need to get a crib(or whatever they are using), a mattress, some fitted sheets and a couple of waterproof mattress protectors. If co-sleeping, invest in a couple of good mattress protectors for your bed! Trust me.
6)Clothing. Baby needs something to wear. Now, since I wear my littles, if the weather is warm, I will just take them out in their diaper because they are going to be covered and I don't want them to overheat. At home, Its usually just a diaper in the summer as well. I can't say how much I LOVE side snap shirts for babies! Especially if you cloth diaper. Most onesies don't accomodate a fluffy butt, so you can just stick to side snap shirts and the diaper cover can serve as 'pants'! For this new little, its side snap shirts, skirties and leg warmers. Cheap, easy, and I've made most of the things she needs from leftover fabric. Well, except for the shirts! :)
Ok, so, thats it! I know some of you are thinking 'wait! What?! Hold on just a sec!!' However, honestly these are the essentials. Throw in a rectal thermometer and a humidifier and you're good to go. This is what you NEED. There are lots of other things you can get to make your life easier but, fundamentally, these are the basics. So, if you are on a tight budget and feel badly about all the things you don't have, rest assured that even at that you probably have more than you need!
16 February, 2012
Thankful Thursday: Little Valkyrie, Little Viking and the Bun in mah Oven!

Also, thanks to Little Viking, I know have some pretty fancy permanent artwork decorating my new fridge. I swear, I turn around for 2 seconds and he's found the sharpies and the(apparently) perfect and beautiful canvas that is Mama's new white fridge. Not content to color on the butcher paper I gave him, he felt that this would be a much more appropriate manner in which to express his artistic abilities. However, this was after seeing his sister color on the fridge with dry erase markers....he thought it was ok and can't differentiate between dry erase markers and sharpies. Does that make it any less irritating? No. But does it bother me? No. Let me explain. I was irritated with the behavior, but I'm not bothered when I see it or that the drawing is there. At this point, I don't even notice it most of the time! :)

Ah, on to baby #3! My new little girl!! I'm still not sure what nickname to give her. Something wonderful to keep in with theme I've started, but I'm lost for ideas. I'll sort it out eventually. For now, she'll just have to be #3! :) What started out as a non-eventful pregnancy hit the wall at the 19 weeks ultrasound. Of course, that led to a level 2 ultrasound. I refused genetic counseling and any further testing. She's beautiful and God meant for us to have her. So, whether the markers turn out to mean something or she's completely healthy, she's my little girl. As I write this, she's found a nice spot in my ribs that is apparently quite ripe for kicking! She's definitely showing her temperment already and she's very(VERY) hardheaded! :)
However, when I'm feeling discouraged about the kiddos, or if I'm having a rough go, and really worry that I'm not cut out for this life, my kids go and do something like this! Voluntarily holding hands and walking together....nicely! With Little Viking very loudly proclaiming his love for Little Valkyrie. I have no words to describe how wonderful this makes me feel, to know that my children love each other!
Or when the day has just gone on a bit too long and I'm really just feeling the wear and tear of the day and I come home to see this! :) My kiddos, playing nicely in the paddling pool! Now, granted, this lasted for about 30 minutes before they wanted to start fighting over the water hose. Thats beside the point. To see them doing something nice, without being told to, makes me feel better about things. Makes me realize that they will get it one of these days. For now, they're babies, and part of childhood is tackling the learning curve that is being in this world. So, at this point, just getting through the day is enough!
How to cope with pregnancy when your coping mechanism fails. Or, why I will always miss Soda.
Yes. Soda is a cat. She is the first cat that Cranky Pirate and I ever owned together. She's the MOST amazing cat. She came into our lives in a way that, once we got to know her, was completely in line with her personality. We heard a cat fussing VERY loudly outside of our apartment door. So, we opened it to see what was going on, and she quit fussing and walked right in and laid herself down on the couch. That was is. She didn't urinate anywhere....she waited for us to get her a litter box, which we did the next morning. We were impressed by the big, old soul in this little cat, our Soda. She never got bothered except when she was left completely alone. So, we got her a cat. Yes, I got a cat for my cat. A jittery, nervous girl we called Urd that made Wade Duck(you know, from Garfield and Friends!) look like a member of the Super Hero Squad!! Soda was the mama cat and all was well. The years came and went, we added in more cats, a dog, multiple moves and various crises. Soda is nothing if not loyal. She would come sit with me everynight in the bath, perched right up on the side, just sitting. Being. It was always a very comforting thing. Then, I found out I was pregnant with Little Valkyrie. I was scared and had no idea what I was doing and we were going through a LOT of stress in our lives. Soda would come lay down with me every time I curled up in bed. Right next to my tummy and, eventually, around my bump. Eventually she would start sleeping with Little Valkyrie instead which I couldn't have been more pleased with. While I was pregnant with Little Viking, Hurricane Ike hit. As I laid in bed having contractions and freaking out, Soda laid next to me. She didn't move until I was able to get up. She was great the whole time. Unfortunately, poor Urd, who would get ill from hearing a raised voice, did not deal with the stress so well and, on the day of my baby shower, I had her put down due to kidney failure. Soda didn't cope with this well at all but, luckily, she turned a corner and pulled through, returning to normal-ish and eventually began trying to tend to Little Viking the same way she had with Little Valkyrie. She was there for the pregnancies that I carried, and she was there for the pregnancies I lost. Rubbing on my legs to remind me she was there, sitting on her little perch in the bathroom. Always. Somewhere along the way, I forgot that it wouldn't be forever. A year ago, Soda got sick. She stopped eating. She stopped drinking. She had all kinds of symptoms and lost weight. Even though she couldn't jump, she would come sit on her perch in the bathroom. I took her to the vet. They were puzzled....None of her organs were failing, but bloodwork was crazy. They would syringe feed her, but she would usually just fight it. I consented to have a feeding tube placed and brought her home to care for her where I wrote up a medication and feeding schedule based on the amount of nutrition she needed per day. It was scary, but we were making it work and she was showing some improvement. We didn't have to call the emergency vet once and it was looking like we could place a mile marker at the end of the long road...that we could finally start counting down to a goal. Soda was weak, and we were having to take care to take her to the litter box and things like that, but we were prepared for that and keeping her warm, clean and fed. Then, one Monday, I went in and couldn't find her. Here was this cat that could barely walk, but had managed to go hide herself in a bin in the cabinet under the sink. I knew that wasn't good. I knew what hiding meant. I noticed her respiration when I fed her. She had a follow up that day, so I was relieved knowing she was getting checked out. I left for work and prayed to God that if she was going to die, if she was SUPPOSED to die, then for her to just die while I was gone so that I didn't have to make that decision again. When i came home, she was still alive, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she knew it was time. I packed her up...this time with no resistance and took her to the vet. When they took her temperature, it was so low that it wouldn't even register. Even after they put warm packs on her, for quite a while I should add, her temp still wouldn't register. Her vitals were all going down....who knows...if I'd worked over that day she probably would have died at home. She finally looked up at me, and I knew it was time. The vet was very kind and started an I.V. so that they could bring her back in the room with me to be euthanized. So, again, all by myself, I made the decision to have an animal put down. It was beautiful though, as much as it could be. It was peaceful and fast and it meant the world to me that I got to be with her, holding her, and that the tech and the vet stayed with me until I was ready to leave. It was incredibly hard to cope, but this time I was assured that I had done everything possible to save her and that, it was just her time. I couldn't hold on to her anymore. If love could have saved her she would have lived forever. She'd still be here. I never realized how much I depended on her until this past July. I found out I was pregnant with #3. I was so shocked and surprised! We decided not to tell anyone due to the fact that I had become pregnant after Little Viking but had lost each pregnancy to that point. We set a date to tell people and tried to deal with each little crisis that seemed to pop up. One day, Cranky Pirate surprised me with a trip to LUSH! Now, I LOVE me some LUSH!! If you don't know of them yet, seriously, check them out. Anyhow, we picked up some new goodies for my bath stash and I looked forward to a nice bath that evening. So, it was business as usual, and I ran a bath. When I got in I looked over, instinctually...expectantly. I realized what the problem was. The perch was vacant. There was no Soda. For a split second I seriously expected her to pop up on the side of the tub and stick her paw on my tummy. And then she didn't. Of course she didn't. And then I had to figure out just how to cope with pregnancy and all the stress that comes along with it, while doing it without my coping mechanism. That being said, I do have two other old cats that came along shortly after we got Soda and Urd. Also, we have a cat that was abandoned as part of a litter just after Soda died. We took in the whole litter, bottle fed them, and let Little Valkyrie pick out one to keep. I have knitting and blogging and two children to look after. So, I have things to keep me busy and 95% of the time I do pretty well at getting through it all. Pregnancy is one of those times that is hard on me physically and emotionally. I love being pregnant and I love having children, but feeling so detached from my body, feeling like its not my own, gets exhausting. I do understand the blessing that pregnancy is. I love my babies. There are days though, when I'm hurting and tired and it gets to me that, although it might seem silly to some, the cat that I relied on(yes, relied on)to help me get through the rough times is no longer here, and I've got to actually sort out getting through this pregnancy without Soda.
15 February, 2012
14 February, 2012
Being Christian Vs. 'Talking' Christian

There are MANY great resources available today for those who are curious as to what it means to be a Christian. Many so-called Christians are surprised to find out that they're getting it wrong according to Scripture. However, many churches, in an attempt to be 'trendy', come across as trying to accomodate(and even encourage) living in a manner that goes against scripture. Of course, I do take issue with most churches these days. The church as Christ designed and intended is a beautiful and wonderful thing. It is a place for children of God to gather and receive His message. To give Him praise and worship for the Grace we so undeservingly receive from Him. Its not about religion or man-made politics or rules or any of that. It is broken, sinful, fallen children of God, coming together united as brothers and sisters in Christ. The first and foremost resource on living in accordance with Scripture and being a Christian is, to me, The Bible. I've been guilty of reading a bit, and then leaving it to the side for ages, only picking it back up when I'm having a rough go. If this season of my life has taught me anything its that the Bible is like fuel for our soul. You wouldn't constantly let your car run out of gas. You keep it fueled up properly so it runs its best. I don't want to let my soul run out of the spiritual nourishment that the Bible provides. I don't want to become full of dispair and worry and fear, lacking even the faith to believe that God will get me through the day. No, its much better, in my opinion, to stay 'stocked up' if you will. I do find that there is quite a bit of, well, division when it comes to reading and interpreting the Bible. Its sad that the Bible has become somewhat divisive when it needn't be. Here's what I mean when I say that: There are those who take the Bible literally and those who view it more metaphorically. People who follow the old testament and those who seem to disregard it entirely(until they want to start in on me about evolution...but that's another post entirely!). Here's the deal(in my opinion): You can put ANY book in front of two different people and they will come away with the book from two different things. Sure, you could direct them and have them come to a similar message, but not everyone is going to get the same thing from it. To me, its the same with the Bible. I can read my Bible and Cranky Pirate can read his Bible and we may come away with two different messages from the same verse! It doesn't mean I'm right....nor does it mean that Cranky Pirate is right. We're neither right nor wrong, honestly. God has a plan and a path for every person. He needs for each of His children to get on the path He has created for them. Therefore, not everyone can come away from the Bible or from prayer with the same messages. Sure, you could guide their prayer or influence them to see the message you've recieved from Scripture, but, at best it should be shared in a loving, conversational manner. Not to be used as judgement or to show superiority. The Bible is not an instrument of judgement or hate. When people who pick apart Scripture and use the Bible as a weapon, slinging acid at those from behind the Bible as if they were entitled to judge anyone get going, it pushes people AWAY from Christ and only harms Christians in the process. Blessedly, as all Christians know, no mere Human has the place to judge any other person. God will convict and judge us all as he see's fit. I'm thankful for that. I've failed and fallen short many times in my life. Not just according to man, but according to Scripture and to God. However, God knows my heart. He knows that His son lives within me. He knows that I am patient and walk the path that Has put me on. The life I live is NOT to the benefit or convenience of myself or of any person. I live my life to the glory of God, so that He can be honored in everything I do, even if on some days, its just laundry! :) I'm rich here because I'm blessed. I'm charged with raising children to His glory and on building my life in Heaven. Everyone dies, but through Christ, I get to live again!
Another great resource, in my opinion is 'A Savvy Christian's Guide To Life' by Tracey D. Lawrence. Even though I've been a Christian for YEARS, I still consider this to be not only a great read for 'newbie' Christians, but for the old school as well. Its got GREAT ideas for navigating sometimes tricky social and ethical situations, while giving the information in a warm, non-judgemental and often humerous manner. Its a good 'breaking-in guide' if you will! If you're REALLY looking to get in to some VERY deep reading and wanting to reflect on the true state of your relationship with Christ, then I have to recommend 'The Christian Atheist' by Craig Groeschel. Now, to let you know, this book can be a very hard and draining read. Its beautifully brutal and will quickly help you to realize if you are 'walking the talk', so to speak.
Now, to that effect, I should, at the very least, offer up what I believe in so that it is known where I am coming from. I believe in The Apostles Creed. To me, I just don't see how I could be a Christian without believing in it. I believe that, if you were to be 'accused' of being Christian, then there should, accordingly, be sufficient 'evidence'! Do people see the light of God shining through you. Do your works and your nature draw people to God and reaffirm that Christ lives in you? Not that good works alone are the way to heaven, as honestly, there is no 'do'. It is done. God purchased my ticket into Heaven with the blood of His son, Jesus Christ. However, once I accept that ticket, my life should reflect my commitment to Christ. Doing good deeds, while good, won't Save me, but will follow being saved. Your Christianity is not just an aspect of who you are. It IS who you are. It is a active relationship with God. The keys to salvation are right there in the Bible. In Acts 26:18, when Paul is describing how God called him to preach the Gospel message, he explained that God told him to preach the Gospel which was comprised of a person hearing it and realizing it was given "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." When you become a Christian, you acknowledge that there is one true God and that Jesus Christ is his Son. You invite Christ to live in your heart and turn your life over to the direction of God. This is what being a Christian means to me. Notice, nowhere did I mention that it means showing up to church once a week in your nicest clothing and taking part in a social event. In my opinion its not about showing up to church to show off new shoes, or on listing Christian as your religion on your social networking site. Its not about saying it. Its about BEING Christian. I don't want to be a 'Sunday Christian' that goes to church on Sunday and sits blankly the whole time, then leaves church and starts cursing people on the way out of the parking lot! Yes, it happens, and I'm still amazed every time. I want there to be sufficient evidence to build a case to prove my Christianity. Not based on my collection of bumper stickers or crosses or Bibles, but based on my salvation and how I live my life, striving to be a Proverbs 31 woman and drawing more people to God and to salvation. I want to walk the walk and talk the talk all the way and one day be rewarded with riches beyond compare when I'm called home. Everyone has to find their own path, their own calling if you will. Or, I suppose, has to find the courage to answer when God calls.
11 February, 2012
My need for routine

10 February, 2012
My feelings on nutrition during pregnancy

09 February, 2012
Thankful Thursday: Nutella Lava Brownie Mug Cake
Ok, y'all! Before I go any further, for full disclosure, I should state just how much I LOVE Nutella. This stuff has saved many a person from my wrath. Its that good. If there was a 12 step program for it I wouldn't go, because its that good. Seriously. Nutella. I can't even do it justice with words. There are so many ways to enjoy it. Cupcakes, Hot chocolate, cookies, straight out of the jar! However, I stumbled across a lovely blog that had a recipe that seemed to do Nutella its proper justice! By now everyone has heard of mug brownies or mug cakes or some variation on that term. A few ingredients, a couple of minutes and BAM! A mug of happy! However, this recipe went above and beyond!! I mean, it has Nutella so its ALL good! Seriously...its all good. It can only get better if you've got some ice cream stashed in the freezer or some nice whipped cream! Otherwise, make one of these bad boys, sit back, and forget about what a crappy day you had! If you don't have Nutella(say WHAT?!) or you're just odd like Cranky Pirate and Little Viking, you can sub peanut butter for the Nutella for more of a peanut-butter-cuppy type of thing....or you could respect the sanctity of Nutella and this recipe and leave it as is! :D You're welcome! <3 Nutella Lava Brownie Mug Cake! Nutella Lava Brownie Mug Cake!
08 February, 2012
07 February, 2012
Headfirst into Homeschooling

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