I don't know about you, but September is the start of a LONG chain of WONDERFUL events in the Viking household!! With the start of school comes the routine of fall...and the occasional 5 minutes of freetime for me! Little Viking started Mother's Day Out this year, Little Valkyrie is in Elementary School and so, the only regret is having two lunchboxes to keep up with!! September gives us time to get ready for Halloween and Little Viking's Birthday and my unofficial and much forgotten anniversary! Then comes November, with the Christmas Eating warmup known as thanksgiving. December brings the obvious, and January brings the entire world into some sort of hazy hangover season until we all have to sober up and shave in an attempt to not be single on Valentine's Day!! Now that i've got a few minutes to spare, I can talk about one of the things that is making my life really wonderful right now. My NEW cloth diapers!! I've been using cloth diapers for awhile, mostly ones that I make, but finally ventured out into buying them. I got a Sustainablebabyish Fitted, and Kiwi Pie One Size Fitted, and a Marvels One Size Fitted. Full reviews of each diapers with pictures, pros, cons and links to each site will follow, 1 per day for the next three days!! See You Tomorrow to talk about Sustainablebabyish!